Faculty Detail

Yuji Okuno

Chief Director of Okuno Clinic


I am an interventional radiologist and the founder and Chief Director of the Okuno Clinic in Tokyo, Japan. After  completing my radiology training, I engaged in both basic and clinical research for several years. My initial  research at Keio University in Tokyo focused on vascular biology and pathological angiogenesis1. Early in my  career as an interventional radiologist, I developed a strong interest in exploring whether embolization could  offer a new approach to effectively reduce chronic inflammation and alleviate pain.  

I later successfully introduced transarterial embolization for the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal disorders, such as knee osteoarthritis (OA)2 and frozen shoulder3. I was the first to report its safety and effectiveness  through clinical research. I have authored and co-authored 20 peer-reviewed publications on embolization for  musculoskeletal disorders, particularly superselective genicular artery embolization (GAE) for knee OA. These  studies demonstrated the safety and efficacy of this innovative technique, resulting in significant and sustained  pain relief, findings that have since been confirmed by other researchers.  

1. Okuno, Y., Nakamura-shizu, A., Otsu, K., Suda, T. & Kubota, Y. Pathological neoangiogenesisdepends on  oxidative stress regulation by ATM. Nature Med 2012  
2. Okuno Y, Korchi AM, Shinjo T, Kato S. Transcatheter arterial embolization as a treatment for medial knee  pain in patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2014 Jul 4. 
3. Okuno Y, Oguro S, Iwamoto W, Miyamoto T, Ikegami H, Matsumura N. Short-term results of transcatheter  arterial embolization for abnormal neovessels in patients with adhesive capsulitis: a pilot study. J Shoulder  Elbow Surg. 2014 Mar 4