The 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Asia Pacific Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology
Pascal Chabrot
Chef de service Radiologie Montpied
Interventional radiologist (2004) and professor of radiology (2013) in the imaging department of the University Hospital of Clermont-Ferrand, France (Pr Boyer) after a residency in Clermont and Paris and a fellowship in Montreal (2008-9). In charge of the experimental Cath lab for a research team dedicated to endovascular treatment in oncologic and endovascular IR (pharmacokinetic of cisplatin in TACE in animal model, echo-endoscopic creation of portosystemic shunt in animal model, bi-embolization of portal and hepatic vein in an animal model). Leading the interventional unit since 2018 and the radiology department of CHU Montpied since January 2022.
• Member of the endovascular sub-committee of the European Society of Radiology ( 2017- 2021),
• Member of the endovascular sub-committee of the CIRSE (2018-2023),
• Correspondent for IR in the French College of Radiology Teachers since 2019 • President of the French Society of Cardio-Vascular Imaging (2020-2023).
Member of the organization committee of:
- European School of Interventional Radiology (Vascular Access, Marseille 2014) - European Congress of Interventional Oncology (Nice, 2015)
- The French school of embolization since 2014
- The French school of thrombectomy since 2019